Why is it important?

Decommissioning of offshore energy assets is set to become a huge task in the coming years for both operators of the assets and authorities; a task that comes with a cost of 100’s of billions of euros globally. Considering this, activities offering a cost reduction will have significant impact – and interest – for the decommissioning stakeholders, even more if activities furthermore offer reduced health and safety issues and better control of environmental impacts.

The MOOD Decom Feasibility Study sets out to assess and explore the value of applying satellite earth observation data for providing accurate metocean data with quantified uncertainty for securing safe, compliant, efficient and cost-effective solutions for the decommissioning activities foreseen for European offshore energy assets over the coming years and decades.

Project highlights:

Feasibility study evaluating EO-enriched metocean services for compliant, safe and efficient end-to-end decommissioning operations that are most business critical.

EO-enriched metocean data with quantified uncertainties and probabilistic measures of workability for short and long-term planning of operations.

More efficient and safer operations with associated lower costs for decommissioning stakeholders.

In more detail..

The decommissioning of energy assets entails a chain of complex decisions on environmental impact risks, logistics and worker safety. Operations are strongly affected by several environmental influences such as tides, currents, waves, winds, sea temperature and salinity.

Today’s decision-making is typically based on metocean data analyses, for instance by assessing how often the significant wave height is less than a certain threshold during a given period. Actual decision drivers, such as heavy lift vessel motions, drag on an underwater remotely operated vehicle by currents, scour holes around the legs of jack-up vessels, are not directly addressed. This leads to either unnecessary conservativism or risk underestimation resulting in sub-optimal cost-efficiency.

MOOD Decom will support decommissioning industry and operators in Oil & Gas and Offshore Wind with:

  • High-quality metocean information with quantified uncertainties
  • Integration of metocean data with probabilistic measures of workability
  • Near-real-time metocean parameters for environmental impact monitoring
The activity will establish an easy-to-use online tool, where the assimilation and fusion of EO-data in near-real time will ingest satellite data into a forecast service providing information of metocean conditions near installations at sea and along routes to/from the installations.

Parallel to the operational forecast system, we will establish a database of metocean hindcast-data with historical information of relevant parameters for the long-term planning of operations at sea. These two parallel systems will form the backbone of a new DHI operated decommissioning decision support system, enabling more efficient and safer operations with associated lower costs for decommissioning stakeholders.

European Space Agency:

The European Space Agency (ESA) is the European space programme and its mission is to explore Earth, its immediate space environment, our Solar System and the Universe.

ESA also works closely with space organisations outside Europe to develop satellite-based technologies and services, and to promote European industries. ​

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