Land cover mapping represent perhaps the most common and useful application of satellite . . . .
An up-to-date graphical representation of the surface
A systematic assessment of land cover with custom tailored classes
Various resolution and accuracies are possible depending on needs
Hydrologists use land cover as input to regional hydrological models, soil erosion models or flood models
Environmental managers use land cover as background for other thematic layers (e.g. administrative units, location of towns, environmental sensitive areas etc.) as part of Environmental Impact Assessments
Agronomists/forest managers use landcover to understand and update agricultural statistics on i.e. crop types, fallow periods, deforestation, and forest regrowth
The basic principle behind land cover mapping is the ability to distinguish different surface covers based on their spectral signatures
Typical land cover classes we map are: vegetation, built-up area, water bodies, agricultural areas and forest areas
The actual classes to be mapped depends on the usage of the land cover maps
Our approach is to customize the land cover maps with regards to budget, actual classes and detail level
Typically land cover maps are produced in 10-30 m resolution with approximately 10 different classes, but can be produced in much finer details down to 30 cm resolution
The cost for land cover maps typically starts at a few thousand euros, but actual price depends on detail level and actual land cover classes
Contact us for a specific quote
EOatDHI part of the DHI GROUP
+45 4516 9100
Agern Alle 5,
2970 Hørsholm,
CVR: 36466871