Crop water use derived from Earth Observation data to facilitate increase in water-use . . . . .
Advice on crop water stress, water withdrawal or irrigation efficiency based on the actual crop evapotranspiration
Soil moisture and vegetation water content maps
Information can be provided at regional or field scale at up to daily timescale (depending on the cloud cover)
Irrigation district managers can use this information to improve water allocation and short-to-medium term planning
Farmers can benefit from timely water-stress data to prevent wasteful over-irrigation and to improve crop quality through deficit irrigation at critical times of the growing cycle
Regional authorities can ensure that water users are abiding by the relevant legislation, e.g. related to amount of fresh water withdrawals or water use restrictions
Actual soil evaporation and crop transpiration derived with combined thermal and optical data
Soil moisture and vegetation water content derived using radar, thermal and optical data
Higher level products such as crop water stress, water withdrawals, irrigation efficiency, and water productivity
Maps can be produced at regional and field scales, with up to daily time step
Contact us for a quote
EOatDHI part of the DHI GROUP
+45 4516 9100
Agern Alle 5,
2970 Hørsholm,
CVR: 36466871