Screening and mapping of potential development sites to pursue the integration of renewable wind resources.
GIS assessment for wind resource mapping, such as existing grid infrastructure, wind speed, land use, topology, proximity to protected areas or population density as an energy planning. Allowing the Government of Vietnam to integrate renewable energy into the energy system. Providing a national benefit and achieving the long-term objectives of reducing GHG emissions.
Mapping of high-potential wind energy clusters for potential renewable energy development
Provision of different scenarios based on the relative share of importance of the different exclusion criteria (e.g. land use)
Evaluation of technically feasible potential using economic criteria, in this case additional costs associated with infrastructure proximity and projected annual wind power generation
The Government of Vietnam is pursuing the integration of renewable energy into the energy system for the national benefit to economically optimize and achieve the long-term objectives of utilizing renewables and reducing the GHG emissions.
In this context, DHI GRAS conducted a GIS assessment applying different screening criteria, such as existing grid infrastructure, wind speed, land use, topology, proximity to protected areas or population density as an energy planning exercise. The assessment provided maps of potential wind power project development sites which were included into an energy model, to provide input to the power system planning practices in Vietnam. An evaluation of the technically feasible potential was done using economic criteria, in this case additional costs associated with infrastructure proximity and projected annual wind power generation.
The results of the mapping and modelling study were presented at a workshop in Hanoi with more than 30 participants including government officials, consultants and experts in the renewable energy sector. The consultation workshop was followed by a 1-day GIS-based training on renewable energy resources mapping analysis, using exclusion criteria on different layers of infrastructure, land use and administrative maps.
The project was carried out by Ea Energy Analyses in collaboration with DHI GRAS and the Institute of En-ergy (Viện Năng lượng) within the framework of the Danish-Vietnamese cooperation between the Danish Energy Agency and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam.
The funding of the project was provided by the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH.
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