Helping African authorities make the best use of satellite-based information for wetland monitoring . . . . .
GlobWetland Africa will help African authorities make the best use of satellite-based information on wetland extent and conditions. Allowing better measurements of the ecological state of wetlands and their capacity to support biodiversity and provide ecosystem services.
Exploiting the increasing capabilities of satellite observations for wetlands inventory, assessment and monitoring
Developing a free of charge and open source software toolbox to better assess the state and change in wetlands and access “freely available” satellite observations from the Sentinel missions of the European Copernicus initiative
Enhancing the capacity of African stakeholders to develop national and regional wetland observatories
GlobWetland Africa (GW-A) is a large Earth Observation application project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) in partnership with the African Team of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.
The project is initiated to facilitate the exploitation of satellite observations for the conservation, wise-use and effective management of wetlands in Africa and to provide African stakeholders with the necessary Earth Observation (EO) methods and tools to better fullfil their commitments and obligations towards the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.
As an ultimate objective GW-A will aim to enhance the capacity of the African stakeholders to develop their own national and regional wetland observatories.
EOatDHI part of the DHI GROUP
+45 4516 9100
Agern Alle 5,
2970 Hørsholm,
CVR: 36466871